my friend fox
Ultimo Press
My Friend Fox.
This is my living, breathing version of a mental health file that psych wards, doctors, mental health staff or rehab workers know little about or use as evidence of diagnoses. This is my account of what happened to me, through the lens of the psychiatric system. My story is shadowed by the story of a fox who knows he'll never belong. My Friend Fox contains 30 illustrations, or what I call photographs, of extraordinary events etched in my memory. Available at Australian and NZ bookstores, most online booksellers (Amazon, Booktopia etc) and Audiobooks. In Melbourne? Buy My Friend Fox at Readings Bookstores |
Listen to Heidi on The Guardian Podcast HERE
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/audio/2022/mar/26/heidi-everett-on-the-language-of-our-mental-health-system |
Read about My Friend Fox on the Sydney Morning Herald HERE https://www.smh.com.au/culture/books/even-in-its-darkest-moments-this-memoir-of-mental-illness-is-uplifting-20210920-p58t8p.html |
IMAGES - logos of writing festivals 'Words on the Waves', Margaret River Reads & Writers Festival, Emerging Writers Festival.
IMAGES - lots of photos of people holding up the My Friend Fox book. Many are smiling.
Freelance non-fiction and creative memoir, social media content and marketing copy, public speaker, award winning songwriter and stand up comedy.
Published in Westerly, Rag & Bone Man Press, The Victorian Writer, InScribe, Croakey.
Recipient of Writers Victoria Write-ability Mentorship (2015) and Publishability Fellowship (2019).